How Rain Barrels Keep Your Yard Free from an Inundated Yard
Oct 26, 2021

Water conservation for those rainy days

When the rainy season comes and your yard is inundated with water, there are few solutions that will have you better prepared than rain barrels. These are simple water collecting vessels that allow the rain to captured rather than flooding your yard. They’re useful for water conservation and for later use as well, allowing you to store the contents for times when your landscaping or garden could use a good drink. And there’s a financial benefit to being able to use available water to irrigate your landscaping rather than running up your water bill. If you’re considering adding a rain barrel or two to your property, here’s a list of considerations to think about. 

1. Safety — Water accumulation is a situation that always calls for safety measures. Choose a rain barrel that’s made to stand securely and prevent tipping over while also keeping children and small animals from climbing inside.  

2. Materials— No matter where you stand your rain barrel, it will be exposed to rough weather and the elements. Make sure you choose a barrel made of durable materials that can be cleaned easily and will last through the seasons.

3. Placement—Make sure the spot where you position your rain barrel can accommodate the whole contraption. Keep the drain valves from being blocked and place the 

4. Number—Your yard or garden may be large enough to accommodate more than one rain barrel, especially if you grow a seasonal garden. If you’re purchasing a barrel, verify that it can be connected to others to create a rain barrel system for easy use.

5. Sanitation—Filters are available to prevent excessive debris and small creatures from dirtying the water. Choose a rain barrel that includes a filter or can be adapted to add and maintain one.

There’s more to it than these simple considerations, of course. For the best experience purchasing and installing rain barrels in your yard, do some research and speak to landscaping professionals who can help you make the best choice for your needs. And make sure your rain barrel is covered by a warranty. This will ensure you have protection should you encounter any issues after you’ve made your purchase.